Category Archives: Psychology

Why we have our best ideas in the shower

Why we have our best ideas in the shower: The science of creativity

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“I’m not really a creative person”, always struck me as an odd sentence. Could it really be that some of us are born to be more creatively gifted than others?If so, I thought at first, that’s definitely a downer. In school, what was considered “being creative”, like writing or drawing nice pictures was never my strength.It bugged me for a while I have to say. For today, I finally decided to research and read up on the latest studies of creativity and the science behind it. The truth, which I was very happy to discover, is that any and everybody is creative. In fact, we are all extremely creative.

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Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are [Video]

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People

7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People |

They work hard, and they work smart. But highly productive people also tend to think about their work differently from everyone else.

Highly Productive Traveler


Some people get more done than others–a lot more.

Sure, they work hard. And they work smart. But they possess other qualities that make a major impact on their performance.

They do the work in spite of disapproval or ridicule.
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Clue to why a baby is crying is ‘in their eyes’

Clue to why a baby is crying is ‘in their eyes’

Babies cry to convey emotion, with the main reasons being hunger, pain, anger or fear, researchers find.

The intensity of the cry gradually reduces if the cause is anger, but increases if it is pain or fear

But parents – particularly first time parents – can struggle to identify which is the underlying cause, scientists from the University of Valencia say.

A study in the Spanish Journal of Psychology says that the eye activities and the dynamics of the cry can help determine the reason.

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The 7 Habits of Calmness

The 7 Habits of Calmness

By Leo Babauta

I have come to believe that high stress, constant anxiety over tasks and work and life, social anxiety … is all a part of the modern way of life.

Most people just don’t feel a sense of peace, of calm, of serenity, throughout their day.

I have to admit that I’m the same way some of the time, but I have learned a few things that have helped me create a feeling of calmness much more of the time than ever before.
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