Tag Archives: Vimeo

Penguin Enrichment using tablets

An interesting use of technology in the enrichment program for their Magellanic penguins in the Aquarium of the Pacific in LA. Experimenting with many objects to engage the naturally curious birds, aviculturist Sara Mandel found that the penguins took quite a liking to an iPad game she got for her cats. To Mandel’s surprise, the little birds became obsessed and playing with the tablet is now a part of their daily enrichment routine—something that ultimately benefits the cute critters’ mental and physical well-being.



Despite the fact that mankind is killed, the war still continues. War continued with automated system left by people. One of the last surviving bomber and its pilot still performs its task. The city is dead for a long time. Dead people who built it. Dead people who gave the order to destroy the city. And war will continue until subside echo of humanity.But life will always find a way to survive. Cassette bomb submunitions became a fortress for the grass.


Leo, a robot living alone at Paris after a mysterious life extinction. Until he found another creature …

Léo, robot de compagnie Hi-Tech, erre seul à Paris suite à la mystérieuse disparition de toute espèce vivante. Il passe ses journées à essayer de se distraire mais en vain. Jusqu’au jour où il fait la rencontre d’un nouvel être vivant…

…ليو, انسان آلي يعيش في باريس بعد انقراض الحياة بها. الى أن وجد مخلوق آخر

Burnt Grass

Sally and Jack, a young couple in the city, discover a strange phenomenon in their backyard that duplicates organic life. Sally quickly envisions its wild possibilities, while Jack suffers its consequences.

This Land Is Mine: A brief history of the land called Canaan/Israel/Levant/Palestine

Who’s Killing Who? A Viewer’s Guide

Because you can’t tell the players without a pogrom!

Early Man


Early Man
This generic “cave man” represents the first human settlers in Israel/Canaan/the Levant. Whoever they were.



What did ancient Canaanites look like? I don’t know, so this is based on ancient Sumerian art. Read more »