Tag Archives: Gmail

Roll Your Own Unroll.me With a Google Script

Thorin Klosowski

Unroll.me, the newsletter unsubscription service, was just busted selling off more data than most of us thought possible, so it goes without saying that many are dumping the service altogether. Good news though, a Google Script can unsubscribe you from a ton of emails almost just as easily. Read more »

What your email domain says about you

Find Unanswered Emails in Gmail with Apps Script

As the CEO of an email productivity company, not a day goes by when I don’t learn about a new email pain point. I love solving email problems for our customers, but many of their problems do not lend themselves to a full browser-extension and server solution, like the products we make. Apps Script is perfect for solving some of these problems in a quick, lightweight, customizable way.

The Awaiting Response script is a perfect example of one of these solutions. My friend Matt Galligan, the CEO of Circa, tweeted a few months back that he wanted a way to find all of the messages that he sent that did not receive a reply.

Boomerang, our flagship extension, provides a way to bring a single message back to your attention if it doesn’t get a response. But Boomerang is not designed for this particular issue — to use Boomerang in this way, you’d need to move every message you’d ever sent back to your inbox! Instead, it makes more sense to create a label and use Apps Script to apply it to each of these messages.

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How to Schedule your Email Messages in Gmail with a Google Sheet

Have you ever wanted to write an email now but send it a later date and time? Maybe you are sending birthday greetings and would like the email message to be delivered on the exact day. Or you have written the reply to an email but would like to schedule delivery in the recipient’s time zone when the message is more likely to get read.

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Transfer your Gmail Messages to Another Email Address

Transfer Gmail


Say you have an old Gmail account and you would like to transfer all the existing email messages from the old account to your new email address. The new address could be on @gmail.com, @outlook.com, Google Apps (@yourcompany.com) or anywhere else.

Gmail does include the useful Mail Fetcher utility to help you automatically transfer mails between Gmail accounts or between Gmail and Outlook accounts.

If you are however planning to transfer your existing Gmail messages to another email service that doesn’t support POP3 based importing, you can make use of a simple Google Script that will auto-forward all your old messages, one by one, to your new email address.

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