Tag Archives: Computer

Five Computer Security Myths, Debunked By Experts

Five Computer Security Myths, Debunked by Experts


Some computer security myths and stories that keep getting passed around, even though they’re clearly not true. We sat down with computer security experts to separate fact from fiction.

Title image made using Maksim Kabakou (Shutterstock) and iadams (Shutterstock). Additional photos by Alexandre Dulaunoy, snurre86, woodleywonderworks, and Håkan Dahlström

We know there are still some computer security stories that everyday users continue to believe, even though they have either been long debunked, or because they keep getting spread around.

We sat down with computer security and forensics experts Frederick Lane and Peter Theobald to get to the truth behind some security myths we’ve all encountered on a regular basis.

Myth #1: No One Would Want To Hack Me, I Don’t Have Anything Worth Taking

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Make computer scientists listen to boring stories

Changing the names would be easier, but if you're not comfortable lying, try only making friends with people named Alice, Bob, Carol, etc.

Virus Venn Diagram

The computer that never crashes

A revolutionary new computer based on the apparent chaos of nature can reprogram itself if it finds a fault

OUT of chaos, comes order. A computer that mimics the apparent randomness found in nature can instantly recover from crashes by repairing corrupted data.

Dubbed a “systemic” computer, the self-repairing machine now operating at University College London (UCL) could keep mission-critical systems working. For instance, it could allow drones to reprogram themselves to cope with combat damage, or help create more realistic models of the human brain.
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