Category Archives: Video

Microsoft will let pirates update to Windows 10, but it likely still wants them to pay

Jacob Kastrenakes

Microsoft will allow Windows pirates to upgrade to Windows 10, but it’s likely still hoping to get them to pay. Microsoft tells The Verge that people with pirated copies of Windows will still be considered to have unofficial copies after the update. If they want to go official, they can — they’ll just have to get it through the Windows Store. “We will provide a mechanism for non-genuine Windows 10 PC devices to ‘get genuine’ via the new Windows Store, whether they are upgraded versions of Windows or purchased,” a Microsoft spokesperson says. Microsoft notes that its upgrade practice will be consistent globally.

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Nice Guys Finish First

Omniprocessor – Turns waste into water, electricity and ash

Omniprocessor, an ingenious machine designed and built by Janicki Bioenergy, which turns human waste into water and electricity. In places without good waste treatment plants, it could be a real game-changer.

Penguin Enrichment using tablets

An interesting use of technology in the enrichment program for their Magellanic penguins in the Aquarium of the Pacific in LA. Experimenting with many objects to engage the naturally curious birds, aviculturist Sara Mandel found that the penguins took quite a liking to an iPad game she got for her cats. To Mandel’s surprise, the little birds became obsessed and playing with the tablet is now a part of their daily enrichment routine—something that ultimately benefits the cute critters’ mental and physical well-being.


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