Category Archives: Psychology

Top 10 Instant Stress Busters

Whitson Gordon

Beating chronic stress is a long-term effort, and we’ve shared a lot of ways to deal with it—but what if you’re overcome with stress right now and just want to calm down? Here are ten ways you can bust through stress and get on with your day.


10. Catch It Right Away


Your body stresses out at some of the most mundane things, and it can spiral out of control quickly. One of the best ways to fight stress is to stop that “stress reflex” right when it starts. Work-life consultant and author Joe Robinson notes that “the stress spiral is weakest at the very beginning of the cycle, so that’s when you want to contest it.” If your overflowed inbox is getting you stressed out, start thinking early on whether that’s something really worth getting worked up over, and start using the following techniques as soon as you can.

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10 Ways to Overcome Creativity’s No.1 Crusher “Doubt”



10 Ways to Overcome Creativity's No.1 Crusher “The worst enemy of creativity is self-doubt,” wrote Sylvia Plath in her journal. And she couldn’t have been more accurate.

Self-doubt can persuade us to stop creating or keep us from sending our work out into the world. It can be so influential that it colors how we see ourselves, ensuring we don’t pick up a pen, paintbrush, camera or other tool for decades.

“Self-doubt paralyzed me for 25 years,” said Meghan Davidson, Ph.D, a psychologist, professor and researcher at the University of Nebraska. When Davidson was eight years old, her art teacher wrote in her report card that she had “no artistic ability whatsoever.”

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Why money can’t buy you happiness

Tom Stafford – BBC Futures

Why money can't buy you happiness

Hope a lottery win will make you happy forever? Think again, evidence suggests a big payout won’t make that much of a difference. Tom Stafford explains why.

Think a lottery win would make you happy forever? Many of us do, including a US shopkeeper who just scooped $338 million in the Powerball lottery – the fourth largest prize in the game’s history. Before the last Powerball jackpot in the United States, tickets were being snapped up at a rate of around 130,000 a minute. But before you place all your hopes and dreams on another ticket, here’s something you should know. All the evidence suggests a big payout won’t make that much of a difference in the end.

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How You Can Benefit from All Your Stress

by Heidi Grant Halvorson

You are stressed — by your deadlines, your responsibilities, your ever-increasing workload, and your life in general. If you are like me, you even stress about how much stress you’re feeling — worrying that it is interfering with your performance and possibly taking years off of your life.

This might sound a little crazy, but what if it’s the very fact that we assume stress is bad that’s actually making it so bad for us? And what if there were another way to think about stress — a way that might actually make it a force for good in our lives? Well there is, according to new research from Yale’s Alia Crum and Peter Salovey, and Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage.

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What to Do When You Loathe Your Job

It’s sad, but true: Sometimes after months or even years, we become disenchanted with our work. We drag our feet on the way to the office, and count down the seconds until we can be free of it at the end of the day.

Hating your job can cause undue stress and make your work environment miserable—not just for you, but also for those you work with. Here’s some advice from experts on how to make the situation bearable when an immediate change isn’t an option.

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