Category Archives: Health

The strange psychology of stress and burnout

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You shouldn’t underestimate the positive power of having a degree of stress in your life. Identifying the tipping point, where stress turns to burnout, is the key.

By Alina Dizik

As a neonatal nurse, Jennifer Welker learned to thrive under stress.

Rather than allowing the pain of handling a sick infant to affect her, Welker deftly handled some of the most challenging moments in her career, and quickly moved on from difficult situations.

She credits her efficiency to the advantages of working under stress. Harnessing the innate pressure that came with her role, she says, improved her productivity and performance. Still, it was a fine line between harnessing the pressure and ignoring it altogether.

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The Best Stress-Free Jobs For People Living With Disabilities


Written by: Chloe Pearson – Consumer Health Labs

Photo by Pixabay

For the millions of Americans living with disabilities, finding employment can be a stressful undertaking. The job search can take a toll on anyone, but it can be especially overwhelming if you are also looking for employment that will accommodate your abilities on mental, emotional, and physical levels.

There are options, however, and there are several jobs that could offer a flexible schedule as well as limited amounts of stress. From those who need a quiet environment to work in to people living with physical disabilities who need a job in which they can work around it, there are several options if you know where to start. Here are a handful of the best. Read more »

How to induce sleep without drugs

Struggling to stay awake? You may need a professional (Credit: Thinkstock)

By Rhea Wessel

Kerstin Schneiderbauer, a freelance data analyst, was having trouble sleeping.

 I never really closed the office door

Her mind would keep running through her work and to-do lists throughout the night when she was overloaded with projects.

When she wasn’t working through an assignment, worrying about where the next one was coming from interrupted her night’s rest.  Read more »

Should you use the snooze button?


The science of “hangry” — how low blood sugar makes you a monster

This is what happens when Bruce Banner skips breakfast. Ferdaus Shamim/Getty Images

You may have heard the term “hangry” before — the word for the state of being both hungry and angry. As in: “I’m so hangry that I yelled at my boss. Someone please pass me a banana.”

there’s a growing body of evidence that being hangry is a real thing

But it’s not just weird slang. There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that being hangry is a completely real thing — and that low blood sugar leads to bad behavior.

Case in point: in a study published in 2014 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers showed that married couples get increasingly angry and mean towards one another when their blood sugar is low.

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