Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive folders

By using this script you can archive Gmail messages to Google Drive including message attachments. First of all create a copy of the following spreadsheet document: Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive

The spreadsheet document should contain a new menu item called “Gmail Archiver”. Click on ”Gmail Archiver” menu and select “Initialize”. You should see an authorization request like the following:

Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive 1


Press “OK” button to authorize and follow the authorization process. Now click again  on ”Gmail Archiver” menu and select “Initialize”. You should see now a confirmation box about the successful initialization of the script.

Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive 2

The script created for you a new Gmail label called “Archive to Drive” and a new drive folder called “Email Archive” where Gmail messages will be stored.

Now go to Gmail and add the Gmail label “Archive to Drive” to each message you want to archive:

Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive 3

Now go back to the spreadsheet document and click  on ”Gmail Archiver” menu and select “Archive Gmail Messages”. After some seconds you should see a message like:

Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive 4


Now go to Google Drive inside folder “Email Archive” and you should see a new folder representing the exported email message:

Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive 5


Now entering the newly created folder you should see the email messages content saves as a PDF file and all message attachments saved as separate files:

Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive 6

Enjoy and happy scripting!

3 Comments to "Archive Gmail messages to Google Drive folders"

  1. Raghu's Gravatar Raghu
    27 March, 2013 - 7:54 am | Permalink

    Interesting script. There’s another version where you can give the label you want to archive.

  2. Jules's Gravatar Jules
    4 April, 2013 - 4:52 pm | Permalink

    When you do this – are the emails removed from your gmail? With the script that Raghu listed, the emails are archived and they are not accessible as an original email any longer. Thanks for your help.

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