Some personal and shared stuff Sunday, 9 March 2025 - 22:31

Tag Archives: Studies

Clever people improve societies

The more generous and cooperative members of society work in the best interest of others – and themselves.

(Credit: Getty Images)By Andis Sofianos and Eugenio Proto and Aldo Rustichini

What drives people to cooperate with each other? And what characteristics lead a person to do something that will both benefit them, and those around them? Our new research suggests that the answer is intelligence: it is the primary condition for a socially cohesive and cooperative society.

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The complicated ways that money messes with your morals

A string of studies appeared to show that rich people are more tight-fisted and less trustworthy – but what’s the truth in the claims? Claudia Hammond investigates.

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At some time or another you’ve probably found yourself in a bar where the richest person present seems to be the slowest to reach for their wallet when it’s time to buy a round. You might wonder whether they were always this mean, and maybe that helped them become rich? Or is there something about having money that’s made them mean?    Read more »

Study Says Pizza Works Better Than Cash to Motivate Employees

But One Thing Works Even Better. And guess what? It won’t cost you a thing.

Is Happiness Really Linked To Longevity? Maybe Not, Study Finds

Tall vs short: Which is it better to be?

Is bigger better, or do the best things really come in small packages?
By David Robson(Credit: Getty Images)

Your height is a simple biological fact that you can do little to change, yet it may be influencing your destiny in ways you didn’t realise. BBC Future combed through the evidence to size up its impact on everything from your sexual allure to your bank account and your lifespan.

Money and power

At 6ft 4in (193cm), Abraham Lincoln would tower above Barack Obama – but even he is around 3in (8cm) taller than the average American. Confirming the correlation, a recent study found that taller candidates do indeed tend to receive more votes.

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