Some personal and shared stuff Monday, 10 March 2025 - 15:00

Tag Archives: Environment

Is organic food better or worse for you and even for the environment?


Transient electronics disappear to save the environment

They are called ‘transient electronics.’ Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are studying how to make devices, like cellphones, disappear or dissolve so they don’t pose a threat to the environment. (July 16)

Food Waste – A Story of Excess

We grow enough food to feed every single person on the planet, yet millions of people go to bed hungry. Discover the startling facts about global food waste and what we can do to solve this problem.

Can we grow a stronger-than-steel ‘wonder material’ to save the world?

By Amar Toor

blue green algae

It’s stiffer than Kevlar, thinner than paper, and in a few years, it may be mass-produced using only sunlight and water.

Scientists in the US this week announced a new, and potentially groundbreaking method for producing nanocellulose — a so-called “wonder material” derived from tree fiber that could be used to create ultra-thin displays, lightweight body armor, and a wide range of other products.

Their key ingredient? Algae.
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