Category Archives: Relations

Be who you are and say what you feel

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind

Dr. Seuss

You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance – Ray Bradbury

You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance

Ray Bradbury

6 Easy Ways To Remember Someone’s Name – Forbes

Jacquelyn Smith, Forbes Staff

In addition to laying the groundwork with commitment, attitude and practice, there are six techniques to apply in the moment when you’re meeting someone, which help ensure you learn, remember, and use their name effectively, Price says.

1. Focus on the person. The instant you meet someone, give him or her your undivided attention. “Square your shoulders toward them, look them in the eye, shake hands, smile with your eyes, and listen—listen intently,” she says.

“Make it a top priority Read more »

Agile programming for your family – YouTube


So here’s the good news about families. The last 50 years have seen a revolution in what it means to be a family. We have blended families, adopted families, we have nuclear families living in separate houses and divorced families living in the same house. But through it all, the family has grown stronger. Eight in 10 say the family they have today is as strong or stronger than the family they grew up in.

Now, here’s the bad news. Nearly everyone is completely overwhelmed by the chaos of family life. Every parent I know, myself included, feels like we’re constantly playing defense. Just when our kids stop teething, they start having tantrums. Just when they stop needing our help taking a bath, they need our help dealing with cyberstalking or bullying.
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How to Be Happier

How to Be Happier at Work: 10 Tips |

Sometimes the route to happiness depends more on what you don’t do.

sad and happy smiley face cupcakes

Happiness–in your business life and your personal life–is often a matter of subtraction, not addition.

Consider, for example, what happens when you stop doing the following 10 things:

1. Blaming.

People make mistakes. Employees don’t meet your expectations. Vendors don’t deliver on time.

So you blame them for your problems.

But you’re also to blame. Read more »