Category Archives: Relations

6 Success Tips for People Who Are Anxious or Sensitive | Psychology Today

6 Success Tips for People Who Are Anxious or Sensitive | Psychology Today.

“If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.” – Tom Watson, golfer.1. Get to know your BIS (Behavioral Inhibition System).

People who are anxious or sensitive tend to be high in behavioral inhibition – they’re highly sensitive to “punishment” or just the “potential for punishment.”

In psychology-speak, “punishment” includes both actively negative responses (such as criticism) or something positive been taken away (such as the loss of solitude).
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7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People

7 Qualities of Uber-Productive People |

They work hard, and they work smart. But highly productive people also tend to think about their work differently from everyone else.

Highly Productive Traveler


Some people get more done than others–a lot more.

Sure, they work hard. And they work smart. But they possess other qualities that make a major impact on their performance.

They do the work in spite of disapproval or ridicule.
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Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me for My First Job

Advice I Wish Someone Had Given Me for My First Job

Whether you’re straight out of college or starting a new career path, that first job can be scary. You might think you know the ropes, but it’s a lot more than just getting your work done. Here are a few tips I wish someone gave me before I took my first job.

Everyone’s workplace is a little different, but when it boils down to it, we all face the same set of challenges at a new job. You’ll probably need to start at the bottom of the totem pole even if you’re an experienced worker, and integrating yourself into the company culture is a lot harder than you think. Keeping your expectations in check is a good place to start.
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Parenting: Almost totally worth it

Ten ways to increase employee productivity

Ten ways to increase employee productivity

With winter malaise in full swing and the holidays a distant memory, this time of year can kill productivity. To help you and your employees get through the February slump, here’s a couple tips for that have worked wonders for us:
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