Category Archives: Psychology
Talent Isn’t Fixed and Other Mindsets That Lead to Greatness
by Jocelyn K. G
In the creative world, we spend a lot of time talking about “talent.” It’s that special sauce—a certain style, a certain perspective, a certain aesthetic. If you’ve got it, you’ve got it. And if you don’t, well… it can’t really be taught, right?
Not exactly.
3 Ways Your Money is Killing Your Mood
3 Ways Your Money is Killing Your Mood • Movenblog
While it’s true that money can’t buy happiness, there is no question that it can have a profound impact on your mood and your overall quality of life.
If you’re making one of these three common mistakes, you could be secretly sabotaging your mood.
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Your Brain Is Hooked on Being Right
by Judith E. Glaser
I’m sure it’s happened to you: You’re in a tense team meeting trying to defend your position on a big project and start to feel yourself losing ground. Your voice gets louder. You talk over one of your colleagues and correct his point of view. He pushes back, so you go into overdrive to convince everyone you’re right. It feels like an out of body experience — and in many ways it is. In terms of its neurochemistry, your brain has been hijacked.
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If You’re Busy, You’re Doing Something Wrong
The Berlin Study
In the early 1990s, a trio of psychologists descended on the Universität der Künste, a historic arts academy in the heart of West Berlin. They came to study the violinists.