Monthly Archives: March, 2013

The Science of Aging – YouTube

Why do we age, from a biological perspective?

How Guys Will Use Google Glass – YouTube

The Pain of Electricity (AC versus DC) – YouTube

Have you always wondered if you electrocuted yourself, which type of electricity would hurt more: AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current)? Wait no more!

Processed meat ‘early death’ link

BBC News – Processed meat ‘early death’ link.

Frying bacon

Sausages, ham, bacon and other processed meats appear to increase the risk of dying young, a study of half a million people across Europe suggests.It concluded diets high in processed meats were linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer and early deaths. The researchers, writing in the journal BMC Medicine, said salt and chemicals used to preserve the meat may damage health. The British Heart Foundation suggested opting for leaner cuts of meat.

The study followed people from 10 European countries for nearly 13 years on average.

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Honesty and lying