Tag Archives: Work

Working from home may actually hurt your career

You could be passed over for prize assignments (Credit: Getty Images)Eric Barton

When Ian Wright started working from his home in London last November, he thought he had the ideal setup.

He could spend time with his two-month-old baby while he worked for his brand-new company, British Business Energy, which helps companies compare rates for electric and gas suppliers. From a two-bedroom home in the borough of Greenwich, he set up at his dining room table with big plans to master being an at-home dad and business owner.

None of it worked. “There was a moment right at the start where hopes and dreams end and reality sets in,” Wright says. “I quickly came to the conclusion that it just wasn’t working.”

You scratch your head and wonder, where did all the time go?

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Company’s Culture is its greatest strength

Culture Is Our Greates Strength - Dilbert by Scott Adams

I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it – Thomas Jefferson

I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it

Thomas Jefferson

How’s work?

 - Dilbert by Scott Adams

Attending a meeting instead of your manager

Attend A Meeting In My Place - Dilbert by Scott Adams